Every part of Creativity & Care is led by care-experienced young people, and supported by our team of partners.
The programme is led by Mhor Creative’ our Advisory Group made up of care experienced young people, who lead on the decision making and direction of the programme. Currently, the group consists of around 10 young people from across Scotland.
The group and all events, workshops, and taster sessions are supported by the Moniack Mhor Creativity and Care Team.
Aileen Mackay

I am delighted to have been appointed to the Moniack Mhor family and am honoured to be working alongside the existing Creativity and Care team as we go into year three of this project.
While my background is from education, 3-12 year olds, I had the privilege of working with third sector groups and could see just how much of a difference they could make in people’s lives. I’ve joined to continue to help making a difference in people’s lives through the arts and creativity.
I love the outdoors, music and Scottish Literature. I remain passionate about learning.
Vicky MacRae

Alongside Aileen and Edel, I help with the everyday administration for the programme, assist at any C+C events and run the ‘Young Moniack’ social media accounts. I love coming to work every day and getting to know all of you lot- our participants!
Working as part of a Creative Writing Centre, of course I enjoy reading and writing for my own pleasure. In saying that, my favourite activity outside of work is going to the theatre. You just can’t beat it!
Edel Rae

My name is Edel and in October 2023 I was invited to join Moniack Mhor’s Creativity and Care team as Personal Development Facilitator. In collaboration with Aileen and Vicky I help to devise, develop and deliver a wide range of creative opportunities for care experienced young people throughout Scotland. Like Vicky, I love theatre but I love poetry even more.

Get in touch with us anytime on creativityandcare@moniackmhor.org.uk or 01463 592828