Creativity and Care

Are you care-experienced, aged 14-30, and looking for a creative opportunity?

Creativity and Care provides funding, support, professional mentoring, or project development in a wide range of creative outlets, including art, writing, film, music, drama, and more!

Creativity and Care is a three-year programme of creative and personal development opportunities for young care experienced people living in Scotland.

Young people, aged 14-30, who have experience of the care system, can request one-to-one support, apply for funds through our discretionary fund, or take part in workshops, taster sessions, and residentials – all designed to provide a safe, nurturing, and equal space of creativity and discovery.

The programme is co-designed and managed by a committee of young people – Mhor Creative – and supported by the Moniack Mhor Creativity & Care Team.  Activities are delivered in partnership with Calman Trust, the Abriachan Forest Trust, and the Articulate Cultural Trust.

Find out about events, opportunities with partners, how to contact us, and more by visiting the pages below.

Discretionary Fund

FINAL CALL, the Creativity and Care Discretionary Fund allows care experienced young people to apply for funding to support any ...

Meet the Team

Every part of Creativity & Care is led by care-experienced young people, and supported by our team of partners. The ...

Workshops I Tasters I Events

Relaxed workshops, taster sessions, and residentials with no pressure – just time and space to let you find out about ...

Creative Partners

Creativity and Care is a partnership programme with four organisations coming together under the C&C banner to support a wide ...

Who is it for?

If you are aged 14-30, living in Scotland, and have experienced living in care - this is for you. The ...

Useful Information

Page currently under development - check back soon! Back to Creativity & Care Get in touch with us anytime on ...

Get in touch with us anytime on or 01463 592828 

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