Tutored Retreat

Tutored Retreats start on a Monday evening with a welcome talk from staff at 6.30pm who will then join you for a meal. Your two tutors will lead an introductory session after dinner.

Tutored Retreats have a stronger focus on the longer (up to one hour) one-to-one sessions with each of your tutors, providing more time for in-depth feedback on your work in progress.

Evenings are often spent in the company of your group. Tutors will read from their own work on a Tuesday, and lead a sharing of your work at an informal ceilidh on Friday. A guest author usually joins you on Wednesday for dinner, followed by a reading from their work and a Q&A session.

  • 2520 Tutored Retreat: Writing on Climate Change with Nick Drake and Nancy Campbell, Guest Reader Anna Selby
    2520 Tutored Retreat: Writing on Climate Change with Nick Drake and Nancy Campbell, Guest Reader Anna Selby
    Mon 12th May - Sat 17th May

    A tutored retreat for those engaged on work in progress responding to climate change, in any genre, who would value a concentrated period of time in which to write, to engage with feedback, and to enjoy focused, supportive conversations with tutors and fellow writers.

    Read more and book your place.

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