
Date(s) - Mon 18th Jan - Sun 21st Feb, 2016
Moniack Mhor, Kiltarlity, Inverness-shire , IV4 7HT
**This course has been cancelled. We are offering outreach workshops in its place to better support the young people involved. Please get in touch at info@moniackmhor.org.uk for more details.**
Cùrsa Sgrìobhaidh Chruthachail ann an com-pàirteachas le Fèisean nan Gàidheal. Uair feasgair air 15mh dhen Ghearran – gu uair feasgair air 17mh dhen Ghearran. (Scroll down for English)
Fosgailte do dhaoine òga fo 25 bliadhna a dh’ aois ann an Alba
A bheil sgrìobhadh cruthachail a còrdadh ribh? A bheil ùidh agaibh ann an Gàidhlig agus a’ chultair? Carson nach clàraich sibh airson cùrsa-còmhnaidh a bhios toirt dhuibh na sgilean a tha dhìth oirbh gus a bhith sgrìobhadh ann an Gàidhlig. Bheir ar luchd-teagaisg dhuibh blasad de bhàrdachd, rosg, sgrìobhadh airson àrd-ùrlar agus iomadh cruth eile.
Tha an cùrsa seo saor an-asgaidh, le àite-furich agus biadh
Airson iarrtas a dhèanamh airson a’ chùrsa, fòn Kelsey Morse Ansbro 01463 741675 no info@moniackmhor.org.uk
Luchdaich a-nuas: Foirm Tagraidh
Airson blasad de chùrsaichean aig Moniack fhaighinn, thoiribh sùil air http://www.moniackmhor.org.uk/the-course-experience/. Cuimhnichibh gu bheil seo a’ mìneachadh cùrsaichean fosgailte agus nach biodh cuid de na rudan seo ceadaichte air cùrsaichean òigridh, mar eisimpleir, deochan-làidir.
Bheil ceistean agaibh fhathast mu dhèidhinn Moniack Mhor? Clàraich air ar liosta-conaltraidh, no cuir teachdaireachd thugainn.
Tha Alison Lang na sgrìobhadair agus neach-deasachaidh à Dùn Èideann. Tha i air ceithir leabhraichean ficsean fhoillseachadh, agus chaidh a’ chiad fhear dhiubh, “Cainnt na Caileige Caillte” ainmeachadh airson duais ciad leabhar na bliadhna aig Comann Crann na h-Alba. Tha i ag obair mar neach-deasachaidh Gàidhlig aig Sandstone Press agus mar neach-taic litreachais (Gàidhlig) aig Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba. Fhuair i duais dràmadair ùr bho Stiùideo Dràmadairean na h-Alba, agus chaidh an dealbh-chluich aice, “Na Bi Tùrsach”, a chur air an àrd-ùrlar mar phàirt den phròiseact “Gairm nan Gaidheal” aig Pròiseact nan Ealan, a’ comharrachadh a’ Chogaidh Mhòir. Sgrìobh i còig de na tionndaidhean Gàidhlig den t-sreath Cèitidh Mòrag, a choisinn duais BAFTA, airson BBC ALBA. www.alisonlang.info
‘S ann a sgìre Nis ann an Eilean Leòdhais a tha an neach-teagaisg Domhnall S Moireach, a tha an-diugh a’ fuireach ann an Sealltainn. Tha e air iomadach leabhar fhoillseachadh, air duaisean co-luadar Robert Louis Stevenson agus Jessie Kesson a choisinn, agus air burasaraidh siubhal bho Alba Chruthachail air fhaotainn airson sgrudadh a dhèanamh airson leabhar neo-fhicsean mu ghnìomhachas an sgadain – Herring Tales; How The Silver Darlings Shaped Human Taste And History (Bloomsbury). Fhuair seo ath-sgrùdaidhean à fad is farsaing agus fìor sgoinneil ann an iomadach àite, leithid Spectator, Economist, Geographical, agus BBC Countryfile.
B’ e an dràma Gàidhlig Sequamur a chiad dealbh-chluich slàn a sgrìobh e, ’s chaidh sin air thuradh air feadh Alba. Chaidh an dealbh-chluich, a bh’ air riochdachadh le Proiseact nan Ealan, air an àrd-ùrlar o chionn ghoirid ann an Eireann, Lunainn agus ann an taigh-tasgaidh Flanders ann an Ypres ’sa Bheilg.
Anns an t-Samhainn 2015, b’ e aon de na sgrìobhadairean Albanach – nam measg Uilleam MacIlbhanaidh nach maireann, Seumas Robastan agus Jenny Fagan – a bh’ air an taghadh gus an duthaich a riochdachadh aig Fèis leabhraichean eadar-nàiseanta anns an Eadailt.
Gaelic Creative Writing Course in partnership with Fѐisean nan Gàidheal – 15-17 February 2016
Open to young people under 25 in Scotland – Free of charge
Do you like creative writing? Do you speak Gaelic? Join us for a residential course that will help you start writing in Gaelic. Our tutors will guide you through tasters in poetry, prose, writing for performance and many other forms.
There is no requirement other than an ability in Gaelic and an interest in writing.
There is no cost for the course, but bookings are taken on a first come first served basis. We may be able to help with travel costs. To book, fill in the web form below this description with all the relevant details. Alternatively, you can download the paper booking form below. Send your completed form to info@moniackmhor.org.uk.
Download: Booking form
To learn more about what it is like on a course at Moniack, check out http://www.moniackmhor.org.uk/the-course-experience/. Bear in mind that this describes our open programme courses and some things do not apply to youth courses, like alcohol being available.
Still have more questions about Moniack Mhor? Join our mailing list or get in touch.
Alison Lang is a writer and editor from Edinburgh. She has published four works of prose fiction, the first of which, “Cainnt na Caileige Caillte” (The Lost Girl’s Language), was shortlisted for the Saltire Society’s first book of the year award. She is currently the Gaelic editor for Sandstone Press and the Literary Assistant (Gaelic) at the National Theatre of Scotland. She has been the recipient of a new playwright award from Playwrights’ Studio Scotland, and her play “Na Bi Tùrsach” was produced as part of Pròiseact nan Ealan’s “Gairm nan Gaidheal” centenary project commemorating the Great War. She also wrote five of the Gaelic scripts for BBC ALBA’s BAFTA award-winning “Ceitidh Mòrag” TV series. www.alisonlang.info
Donald S Murray is from Ness in the Isle of Lewis. A teacher now living in Shetland, he has published a number of books, winning the Robert Louis Stevenson Fellowship, the Jessie Kesson Writing Fellowship and obtaining a Creative Scotland travel bursary for researching a non-fiction book about the herring industry – Herring Tales; How The Silver Darlings Shaped Human Taste And History (Bloomsbury). This received wide-ranging and excellent reviews in a large number of outlets, including the Spectator, Economist, Geographical, and BBC Countryfile.
The Gaelic drama production, Sequamur was his first full-length play and went on tour through much of Scotland. Produced by Proiseact Nan Ealan, it was also performed recently in Ireland, London and the In Flanders Museum in Ypres, Belgium.
In November 2015, he was one of the Scottish writers – including William MacIlvanney, James Robertson and Jenny Fagan – chosen to represent the country at the Pisa International Book Festival in Italy.
This course is now fully booked. Please contact us on info@moniackmhor.org.uk or 01463 741 675 to be added to the waiting list.