Date(s) - Wed 25th Jan - Wed 29th Mar, 2023
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Elizabeth Reeder’s online course, A Year of Writing, which began in February 2022, completes its final season, starting on 25 January 2023. New participants are welcome to join for an intensive 3-month kickstart to your writing year!
Each season will include a variety of craft workshops, writing spaces and one to one time with course leader Elizabeth Reeder. Your group of up to 12 writers will meet together with Elizabeth six times during the season.
The craft sessions will include a discussion, close-reading and writing exercise-based session.
Each writer will receive a one-to-one tutorial with Elizabeth each term where you can submit up to 5,000 words and then discuss it in a 40-minute session.
Heading from winter into spring, in Term 4 we’re going to emerge from the shorter days into the longer ones. We’re going to have a daily creative practice, and be where we need to be in our own projects and also start to think about our editorial processes and, if it’s useful, preparing query letters | synopses for agents or publishers.
For those of you who are continuing the course, we’re well into our 186 days of writing and for those joining us in January you have the opportunity of writing from New Year to the equinox, which if my maths is correct is somewhere around 80 days. As always, this course is about you and your own writing and taking risks and sitting down in the company of others and doing the work and play needed to further or complete a work-in-progress.
Craft sessions will be informed by the interests and needs of the writers on the course. This season we’re planning to look at writing practice from start to editing, preparing query letters and synopses, and workshopping methods and practice in small groups.
Writing spaces are where we get together on Zoom and write. That’s it. We write in the company of each other and have a bit of chat before and after. At the end of each term, we will share our work with each other.
This course has a limited number of places available for writers to join us in Season 4.
Season 4 includes:
- One 2-hour craft session
- One 2-hour workshop session (in small groups)
- Three 2-hour writing spaces per term (the first includes an introduction | catch-up)
- A 2-hour seasonal sharing space to share your work with the group
- A one-to-one tutorial of 40 minutes to discuss 5,000 words which you submit to Elizabeth, one each term
The course will take place from 6pm to 8pm UK time on the following dates:
Season 4 dates
Wed 25 January 2023 – Introduction | catch up followed by writing space
Wed 8 February – craft session: writing practice from start to editing; query letters
Wed 22 February – writing space
Tues 7 March – workshop in small groups
Wed 22 March – writing space or workshop session (as writers prefer)
Wed 29 March – final sharing ceilidh
Further information on the course
A four-season writing course led by Elizabeth Reeder, author of An Archive of Happiness (Penned in the Margins, Sep 2020)
This is a year-long (run season by season) course intended to support you and your writing process as you undertake a long-form fiction or creative non-fiction project. The premise is that by writing in the company of others, figuring out what sort of habits, goal setting and flexibility work for you, discussing elements of craft and process, and what will bring the most joy as you write, even if it’s bloody tough at times – you will have more resources to complete a longer project. In this course we will meet roughly fortnightly with a mixture of Craft and Process Workshops with Writing Space meetings. Each semester we will also have a session in which we talk about and share our work. The quieter Writing Space sessions are about setting aside time to write with other writers. Each season, Elizabeth will read one submission from each of you and you will have a one-to-one Zoom tutorial to discuss your work and process.
You will have a one-to-one tutorial per season, with a submission of up to 5,000 words. Tutorials will be arranged at the start of each season. Please submit your piece of writing at least a week before your tutorial date (as agreed with Elizabeth) to enable Elizabeth to read your work in advance. Your submission should be sent direct by email to elizabeth@moniackmhor.org.uk. Your tutorial will take place via Zoom and you will be sent log-in details by email, with a reminder 30 minutes before the tutorial is due to commence.
This course is now fully booked. Please contact us on info@moniackmhor.org.uk or 01463 741 675 to be added to the waiting list.