Category: Poetry
Moniack Mhor: Writing to Memories and Friendships
Life in the Time of Coronavirus #17

The Moniack Mhor Writers Group, led by author Cynthia Rogerson, continue to meet remotely during 2021 while COVID-19 restrictions are ongoing. Thanks to Ian Tallach for sharing this wonderful image of the Wolf Moon, taken through his telescope on 27 January 2021, which perfectly complements his poem ‘Over the Moon’.…
Life in the Time of Coronavirus #16

The Moniack Mhor Writers Group, led by author Cynthia Rogerson, still continue to meet remotely during 2021 while COVID-19 restrictions are ongoing. We are delighted to share these two poems by group member, Sheila Lockhart, who also provided the featured photograph. Things I didn’t know I loved after Nazim Hikmet…