Tales of the North Coast

  Alan Temperley writes a blog post for us about his time as an English teacher in Farr Secondary School and the creation of a fantastic collection of tales, told by his pupils. We’d like to thank Alan for writing this and for his patience.   A  Surprise  Success   For…

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Bearmouth by Liz Hyder

Liz Hyder was the joint winner of the Emerging Writer Award this year, along with Hanna Randall. Liz has recently found a publisher for her book Bearmouth at Puskin Press. We thought we’d have a chat with Liz and ask her about it. Tell us a bit about yourself. Are…

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The Bridge Awards Emerging Writer Prize

Rue Baldry was the winner of the Emerging Writer Award last year. Here, she writes about her experiences throughout the year. This was originally posted on Rue’s website. I have come to the end of my year as the The Bridge/Moniack Mhor Emerging Writer. It has been amazing. I really…

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The Distance

Guest post by musician Phil Langran on his experiences at Moniack Mhor.    In February 2017 I travelled from home in Nottingham to attend my first Moniack Mhor song-writing course with with Kathryn Williams, Roddy Woomble and Rachel Sermanni  Like many others, I arrived full of that woozy ‘oh goodness what…

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Shockstarre to song in 30 minutes

In April 2016, Heather Fyson attended a songwriting retreat here at Moniack Mhor, now she has just released her first album. Heather talks here about how her experiences at Moniack Mhor have helped her shape her work. A songwriting week at Moniack Mhor with Karine Polwart & Findlay Napier, Mike…

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Oban – The Perfect Destination

For the second year in a row, Moniack Mhor had the pleasure of supplying the first prize in the Tarbert Book Festival writing competition. The eventual winner was Sylvia Hehir with her short story Oban – The Perfect Destination. Sylvia has given us kind permission to share the story with…

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First Inverness, Then India: Getting Ready to Go

Earlier this year, our Mairi Hedderwick Travel Writing Bursary was won by Thomas MacColl.  Thomas attended the Travel Writing course in September this year. He has kindly written this piece for us about his experiences here.    In the first few days of this year, as Edinburgh huddled against sleet,…

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The Magic of Manifestation

Donna Booth was the winner of the 2017 Mairi Hedderwick Writing for Children Bursary. This blog post originally appeared on Donna’s own website HERE. We have published it here with her kind permission.    I’ve always wanted to be a writer. Since all my books were picture books. Unfortunately, secondary…

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Interview with Merryn Glover.

Author Merryn Glover is one of the Moniack Mhor Alumni. With celebrations around the 70th Anniversary of India’s Independence about to commence, Merryn’s novel A House Called Askival is receiving fresh attention. We caught up with Merryn to ask her a few questions about the book and her writing in…

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