Life in the Time of Coronavirus #7

The Moniack Mhor Writers Group, led by Cynthia Rogerson, has been meeting remotely during the Lockdown. They have been writing pieces inspired by the situation. Today’s piece is written by Sheila Lockhart. Unlike most of my fellow Writers’ Group I have not found this ‘situation’ conducive to creativity; I have…

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Bird on a Wire: Moniack Mhor soars online

Angela Cran, Moniack Mhor’s General Manager, zooms in on the centre’s first ever online course It’s Thursday, 23 April 2020, around 4.35pm, and I’m a little late to the songwriting Zoom party. Findlay Napier’s daughter is leaning on his knee, a heavy fringe pointing a toy rifle at sixteen of…

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Life in the Time of Coronavirus #6

The Moniack Mhor Writers Group, led by Cynthia Rogerson, has been meeting remotely during the Lockdown. They have been writing pieces inspired by the situation. Today’s piece is written by Karen Lean.  Life in the Time of Corona One day a bad thing happened. As the weeks went by it…

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Life in the Time of Coronavirus #5

The Moniack Mhor Writers Group, led by Cynthia Rogerson, has been meeting remotely during the Lockdown. They have been writing pieces inspired by the situation. Today’s piece is a short story by Zoe Mackenzie. Keep an eye on our blog for more contributions from the group. Supermarket Hell The large…

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Life in the Time of Coronavirus #4

The Moniack Mhor writers group, led by Cynthia Rogerson, has been meeting remotely during the Lockdown. They have been writing pieces inspired by the situation. This is the second of two pieces by Martin Russell . We’ll be presenting more as we go on. If you think you have anything…

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Life in the Time of Coronavirus #3

The Moniack Mhor writers group, led by Cynthia Rogerson, has been meeting remotely during the Lockdown. They have been writing pieces inspired by the situation. This is the first of two pieces by Martin Russell. We’ll be presenting the second part tomorrow. I go down the communal stairway, out the…

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Life in the Time of Coronavirus

The Moniack Mhor writers group, led by Cynthia Rogerson, has been meeting remotely during the Lockdown. They have been writing pieces inspired by the situation. This piece is by Anne-Mary Paterson. We’ll be presenting more of these as we go along, so keep an eye on the blog.  In some…

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Words from the Hill Ceilidh

To celebrate the end of our Spring Residency Month, we held a ceilidh in Abriachan Village Hall, where we brought together some of the writers, singers and poets who had been sharing the space at Moniack Mhor these past few weeks. If you were there, then you’ll know just how…

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