Moniack Mhor offers bursaries to support those on low income or in receipt of state benefits, young writers, students and anyone who may find fees a barrier to attending a course. Bursaries, which can usually cover up to 50% of the course fee, sometimes more, are available to those based in the UK.
There’s a simple application form for you to fill in and we require evidence of financial need. We can normally make a decision within two weeks. If you are applying for a bursary, please type this in the ‘Comments’ box of your online booking form so we are aware. For general enquiries please email us on info@moniackmhor.org.uk
The Moniack Mhor Bursary
Our bursary is partially funded through membership of our Friends’ Scheme. You can apply for a bursary using the form below.
School Teachers’ Grant
Primary and secondary school teachers are also eligible for teachers’ grants of £100 towards course fees (NB maximum £50 grant towards one-to-one online mentoring). If you are eligible, please mention this at the time of booking.
Click here to download our Bursary Application Pack